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The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot about the way we manage day-to-day office operations. Agencies are navigating new norms related to a return to physical office spaces, hybrid work, and increasingly fully remote teams. When a large portion of your team works remotely, how do you recreate the best parts of traditional office culture online?

Company Culture
The #1 Most Important Role Missing From Your Remote-First Digital Product Agency (2023)
Dec 6, 2022

At Crema, we build custom digital products for our clients. They could use off-the-shelf software but choose to create something to fit their specific needs. Every now and then, we get the chance to create tools for ourselves. Here are two examples of lightweight internal applications that were built to meet specific needs at Crema.

Company Culture
2 Tools We Built for Ourselves: Why You Should Create Internal Products
Aug 29, 2022

Merging companies is hard. It’s a challenge for culture, brand, and technology. But it can be successful if you’re prepared.

Company Culture
Why M&A’s in Tech Often Fail
George Brooks
Mar 15, 2022

How do product teams work together to launch products successfully and consistently? How can you build an integrated, high-performing product team? While there is no magic wand that makes these qualities appear overnight, we believe that conditions can be created to sustain an environment where product teams can do their best work. These are 10 traits of a healthy product team and how you might go about incorporating these into your practice.

Company Culture
10 Traits of a Healthy, Integrated Product Team
Feb 2, 2021

We look at how technology can be used to better the world by solving universal problems, including the difference between digital generosity and social responsibility.

Company Culture
Digital Generosity Pt. 3: Generosity Towards the World
Aug 19, 2020

Trust is the foundation of any successful product team. It's what all good intentions and results are built upon. This article is part 1 of our written series “Building Trust in Product Teams,” where we examine what is required for cultivating a positive, results-producing environment for your team.

Company Culture
Trust by Default
Aug 3, 2020

We often get asked about our company culture. From the outside looking in, our results-based culture (RBC) might look radical. Crema Test Engineer Ashley Holbrook breaks down what it's like to work in a flexible work environment and the positive changes it's had on her work and her personal life.

Company Culture
Results-Based Culture: Making Better Employees & Happier People
May 19, 2020

Resilience is a form of strength that has the potential to transform our personal lives and our work. Crema's Office Manager, Laura Artman, explains how individuals have the opportunity now to build resilient teams for a bright and hopeful future.

Company Culture
Resiliency Loves a Pandemic: How Leaders Can Prep for the Worst
May 12, 2020

Finding the appropriate digital tool stack is just like filling up the toolbox in your garage. It’s about finding the perfect mechanisms for the tasks at hand. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” or Swiss Army Knife - each tool is precisely designed for a specific purpose. So then, what are the top few tools our organization could not function without? Check out this list of tools that can help virtually any kind of team optimize their workflow.

Company Culture
The Ultimate Tool Stack for More Efficient Teams
George Brooks
May 7, 2020

Learn how to collaborate effectively as a remote workforce, including tools to leverage, activities to make remote team members feel included, and more.

Company Culture
Collaborating Effectively as a Remote Workforce
Oct 14, 2019

Learn what being a 'Liberator' means at Crema. Plus ,how our product managers create space, demand best work, and generate rapid learning cycles.

Company Culture
How to Lead Your Team with Multipliers Principles: Be a Liberator
Aug 20, 2019

Recruiting and hiring intentionally is one of the most important parts of owning or leading a company. Hiring effectively is an intentional and strategic process that requires a lot of time and effort. These are the methodologies we've been employing to get the right people on board at our organization.

Company Culture
Why Hiring Intentionally Has the Power to Transform Your Company
Dan Linhart
Aug 9, 2019

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